Buttonwillow Country Antiques

Michelle Gardner and Judy Lamprinos | Lewisburg, PA or Nassawadox, VA | *Michelle (570) 523-8363 or *Judy (714) 914-3337 | folkartcountry@windstream.net

Dig Antiques is such a wonderful website with great dealers and the owner Tom is just a pleasure! We are honored and thrilled to be a part of the fun and hope you will be able to find a special antique that delights you! Judy and I (Michelle) are joining forces by listing interesting and unique antique offerings from Pennsylvania and Virginia’s Eastern Shore. We are both originally from California and decided to follow our dream of purchasing an old farmhouse where our antique collections would feel right at home. **Please note that each listing will reflect who to contact regarding that particular item. We accept personal checks. More pictures are available upon request! Thank you! Join Our Mailing List: http://eepurl.com/ho5eJf

The Clipper Sign Red Paint

Unique and rare stenciled sign entitled "The Clipper" that was saved from a piece of farm equipment and mounted. The hand-crank operated seed and grain cleaner/separator was invented in Ohio by John E. Smith around l860. In 1891 he sold controlling interest to A.T. Ferrel, who moved manufacturing to Saginaw, Michigan. Most old farms had a "Clipper" as electricity was often not supplied to many rural areas until the 1940's. The earlier models sported pin-striping detail on some of the painted surfaces as this piece does. Age-related wear and a 2 3/4" long crack on the left side. Several scrapes across the paint and a light whitewash spray randomly sprinkled throughout. Neat piece in desirable red paint. Measures 21" long, 8 1/2" high and is 1 7/8" thick. More pictures available.

Price: $175.50 ~Free Shipping~

2025-Jan-02 10:15am EST | Tags : Advertising Sign Red Paint

Wallpaper Covered Dated Box

Lovely miniature wallpaper dome top box that shows a date of 1844 on the bottom but may date earlier from 1800 to 1840. Box retains most of the wallpaper (wavy in some areas), except for a small section located on the back. Covering shows a marbled dark earth tone appearance. Leather hinges secured with iron nails along with a handmade latch and lock make for a special piece. Key is missing. Bottom reveals writing that is hard to make out but the date is present along with this piece being referred to as a “Money Box”. Interior paper boasts a decorative dot pattern comprised of cornflower blue set against a cream ground. Dark areas along with some paper loss on the inside. Overall condition is very good and the size is perfect for a small display area. Adorable size measuring in @ 6 ¾” across, stands 2 ¾” tall and measures 4” front to back. More pictures available.

Price: $310.50 ~Free Shipping~

2025-Jan-02 10:00am EST | Tags : Wallpaper Box Dome Top Box Miniature Box

Mid 18th Century Lighting Trammel

Wonderful mid-18th century trammel showing an oxidized surface and possesses delicate form that suggests it was used exclusively to hang early lighting. Nice rat-tail end as well as the curlicues on the locking gear. Ratchet feature allows for adjustment of either the Betty or cruise lamps. Found in New Hampshire and does have a nice overall appearance. **Betty Lamp not included and was added as a decorative suggestion. A must for anyone who collects early lighting pieces. Full extension 43 ½” long, closed measures 27”, hook measures 2” across and saw-tooth measures ½” tall. More pictures available.

Price: $395.50 ~Free Shipping~

2025-Jan-02 10:00am EST | Tags : Trammel Early Lighting

Puppy Charcoal Drawing Lemon Gold Frame

🎁Charcoal drawing framed under glass depicting a mischievous puppy holding a handkerchief in his mouth lends a wonderful folk art appearance! Drawing is reversed on the backside though it lacks the detail present on the front. Paper surface does have some texture and the drawing was not removed from the frame to reveal the artist. However it does seem to have similar attributes related to “Susan Waters” style who was a self-taught painter (1823 – 1900). Detail is wonderful and the colors are strong. Drawing is original to the lemon gold frame that dates this piece to the later part of the 19th century (Victorian era). There are missing pieces of the decorative composite that was applied to the frame along with paint loss and age cracks. Glass is in good condition less a couple scratches. Paintings and drawings such as this one have gained immense popularity because of the subject matter depicting sweet puppies, dogs, cats & kittens. Stands 13 ½” tall, measures 11 1/2" across and is 1 1/2" deep. More pictures available, just ask.

Price: $235.50 Freight to be determined

2024-Dec-14 02:00pm EST | Tags : Puppy Folk Art Drawing

Canted Apple Box 19th Century

⛄Nice canted apple box displayed with festive accents (not included) dating from the mid to late 19th century showing two different styles of dovetailing. Possibly refinished at one point suggested by the sides that possess a semi-gloss surface. However the inside and bottom sections do attribute to the original appearance. Interesting form having four legs that were doweled into the top which elevates this box in comparison to other examples that sit flush on the table. Box offers a mixed wood appearance as the sides were fashioned from maple while the bottom is pine. Age cracks are visible on the extended base and newer “helper nails” were used on the bottom to help secure places where the older nails went missing by the evidence of holes where they once resided. There is a black vertical streak on the side panel which sometimes occurs with maple woods. Black areas appear at random on the inside of the box. Minor wood loss located near one corner of the extended base. Condition is good, possibly one of a kind that offers plenty of display opportunities. Measures 11 ½” across, measures 11 ½” deep (front to back), stands 4” tall & the bottom measures 10 1/4" across & 10" deep.

Price: $185.50 ~Free Shipping~

2024-Dec-14 02:00pm EST | Tags : Apple Box Dovetailed

Sampler Signed and Dated "1774" with ♥'s

Sweet sampler, framed under glass, (possibly American) worked using wool threads on a linen or linen blend ground. Stitches are comprised of a variety of cross, eyelet and a back pulled stem stitch. Beautiful stylized flowers adorn the bottom while a flower contained in an urn delights us near the top (right hand side). Signed and dated in the year of “1774”. Condition is wonderful. Reads, “Margret Webster own sampler don [sic] in the year of our Lord 1774”. Nice vibrant colors along with some thread loss. ♥Hearts♥ located at the top done in crimson red along with religious white crosses are a special attribute. Crown located in the second row represents the crown of God and not necessarily the king of England. One portion just above the letter “L” in the word sampler reflects a pale lilac hue on the linen otherwise in good condition. Someone took the liberty of writing what Miss Margret wrote and added it to the back for posterity. There is a nail missing on the back of the frame (middle section left hand side). Stands 12 ½” tall, measures almost 10 ½” across and is ¼” deep.

Price: **SALE $255.50** $295.50 ~Freight to be Determined~

2024-Jul-22 10:56am EDT | Tags : Sampler Early Hearts

Miniature PA Blanket Chest Paint Decorated

Unique blanket chest dating to the late 18th to early 19th century reflecting Pennsylvania flavor. Nice curved lower front apron along with a contemporary custom watercolor painting created by folk artist “Stacy Enoch” that evokes a floral motif seemingly sprouting from an urn accented by birds. There are a couple areas where the side panels on the chest are missing revealing the dovetailed feature. Front panel is a replacement for the right hand side that I antiqued and color matched to the existing surface. Wood loss along with scratches throughout. Inside reveals a till on the right. Left hinge is backed with an added piece of wood to secure the lid to the body. Most likely original lock. However the lock keeper is missing. A couple exposed nails can be found underneath. Rich patina along with corner dovetailed features makes for a special piece. Displays well! Chest measures 16 ¾” across the top trim, measures 16 ¼” front middle section, stands 9” tall, measures 8 ½” deep (top trim) and measures 8” deep (middle section). More Pictures Available!

Price: **SOLD** Thank You! $345.50 ~Freight to be Determined~

2024-Jul-08 03:00pm EDT | Tags :

Salt Box with Heart Cut Out

Nice example of a 20th century hinged lidded salt box having a ♥ cut out feature near the top location. Glorious rich patina throughout. A series of extended and pronounced circular turnings adds further decorative form. Tiny round head nail construction. Bottom shows a minor crack. Lid has a series of triple concentric recessed bands as well as some dark areas. No chips present. Great piece boasting nice form and decorative appeal. Stands 9” tall (back location), measures 5” tall (front location), measures 4 ¼” across the top and bottom. ~More pictures available~

Price: **SOLD THANK YOU!** $149.50 ~Freight Included~

2024-Jun-19 03:00pm EDT | Tags : Salt Box Heart

Early Studded Document Box and Book

Studded document box showing snipe hinges dates from the late 18th to early 19th century. Well-earned rich patina along with early newspaper lining makes for a special piece. Marble covered book entitled, “Man Physical, Intellectual, Social and Moral Relations” circa 1847 and a nice rendition of an adjustable candle holder are also included. Cover is separated from spine but all pages are accounted for. Document box is in overall good condition less a hasp from the lock. Existing newspaper appears to be a second layer. A helper nail was added later to replace a square nail located on the right side near the bottom edge. Scratches along with scuff marks appear at random. Back shows an area of recessed horizontal lines in the middle location. Displays quite well. Measures 14” across, stands 6” tall and measures 7 ¾” front to back. More pictures available.

Price: $256.50 ~Freight to be Determined~

2024-Jun-01 04:47pm EDT | Tags : Document Box Book

Pennsylvania Striper Crock Unusual Green Glaze

Unique Pennsylvania stoneware crock showing uncommon green glaze having a single concentric band near the bottom has been outfitted with an antique inspired cover. This piece may also be considered a wax sealer jar and dates to the last quarter of the 19th century. What is interesting about this crock is the maker also decided to use a manganese decoration that is limited to the top and bottom locations. The true color reflects a dark olive green. Green stripe is offset and overlays on a rusty brown ground that offers nice highlights. Shoulder area has a recessed or tooled concentric lone band that adds further detail. Glaze pops scattered at random as well as tiny holes that formed before this piece was fired. One chip located on the inside top edge as well as on the bottom. No cracks present. An area near the top shoulder lacks glaze. Great display piece! Stands 8 1/2" tall and measures 6" across the top. More Pictures Available.

Price: $135.50 ~Free Shipping~

2024-May-23 11:19am EDT | Tags : Stoneware Crock

Early Lantern Semi Punched Glass Back

Unusual semi punched lantern having a pronounced half-moon front along with a straight glass back also showing a crenelated roof. Lantern is cleated and dates from 1760 to 1800. The little door is hand punched while the body of the lantern is plain. It appears the top wire hanger is an old replacement compared to the original wide loop handle. There are some dents and creases as shown on the front near the bottom. Top left corner of the original glass (bubble located at the top) has a chip. The bottom hinge of the door was secured. There is an extra hole just above the middle roof vent. Glass is difficult to remove from the back. Some separation on the back top panel where the sheet iron meets. Still shows well and has a great appearance. Measures 16 ½” tall, measures 7 ¼” across the glass back and measures 4 ¾” deep. More Pictures Available.

Price: **SOLD** Thank You! $395.50 ~Freight to be Determined~

2024-May-07 06:17pm EDT | Tags : Lantern Rin Punched 18th Century

Sampler Quaker Influence

American (possibly mid-Atlantic or upper northern coast region) framed sampler under glass lending a neutral color scheme showing delightful opposing birds along with floral and urn designs. Worked on linen using cotton thread. Quaker presence in relation to the opposing bird motif. The initials “MC” appear under the last row of the alphabet on the left hand side near the bird. Bold Greek key design elements limited to the upper and lower borders while a small animal quite possibly a dog resides under the initials. This textile is not dated but the inference suggests a piece that was wrought in 1830. A spec of white cloth or paper lays over the letter “N” (last row) and could have been left behind before the sampler was framed. No holes or rips to report. Light toning at random. Nice addition to your collection. Stands 11” tall, measures 9” across and is ¾” thick. More pictures available.

Price: $285.50 ~Free Shipping~

2024-Mar-20 02:59pm EDT | Tags : Sampler Quaker Textile

Mortar Pestle Barrel Form

Nice example of an early footed hand carved mortar and pestle (1840-1860) rendering a simplistic barrel form shape. Delicious dark patina on both pieces. Smooth surface from years of use with a “make-do” filled in repair to remedy a crack in the middle body section that cascades downward toward the bottom. Two other tight cracks are located on the footed area as well as the bottom. A knot is present on the underside of the base along with the concentric lathe turnings. Pestle sports a dark surface with lighter areas present. Mushroom knob can also function as a smaller grinder. Minor wood loss to pestle. Overall height 11 ¾” tall including the pestle, mortar by itself stands 7” tall, measures almost 4 ¾” across the top opening and measures 5” across the bottom. Pestle stands 9 ¾” tall, measures 1” across the top and measures 2 ½” across the bottom. More pictures available.

Price: *~Sale~* $ 120.00 Was ~$138.50 ~Free Shipping~

2024-Mar-18 03:45pm EDT | Tags : Mortar Pestle

Needlework Sampler School Art Boston

Important needlework sampler lending provenance to the “School of Art Needlework in Boston” signed by Anna and dated in the year of 1879, framed under glass. Sampler has been removed from the frame to reveal the signature and date on the backside. Worked on marked linen using wool and silk thread. Some wool loss as shown revealing the marked pattern underneath. Foliate and floral designs render a raised visual appearance implementing embroidery skills by the maker Anna. Schools of Art Needlework were founded in New York City, Philadelphia and Boston as charitable endeavors to teach women high-quality decorative embroidery that could be custom ordered and sold at exhibitions. The School of Art Needlework in Boston was part of the Boston Society of Decorative Arts, which was established in 1878 and both were originally a part of the Museum of Fine Arts. Measures 14 ½” across, stands 12 ½” tall and is 1 ½” deep. More pictures available.

Price: **SALE $215.50** $235.50 ~Free Shipping~

2024-Feb-24 03:00pm EST | Tags :

Spice Jar Container

Unique lathe turned spice jar container having a series of triplicate double banded features on the lid as well as on the body. Dates from the mid-19 century and was fashioned from maple that renders a glorious warm hue. There are some chips (rough areas) on the lid as shown. Pens may have taken up residence inside the container at one point because of the visible ink marks. Top may have had a label from a previous owner as there are suggestions of circular symmetry along with lighter coloration. Nice addition to your treenware collection. Stands 4 ¾” tall, measures almost 2 ½” across the top and measures a little over 2” across the bottom. More Pictures Available.

Price: **Sale~$49.50 ~ Originally $85.50~ Free Shipping~

2024-Jan-16 03:00pm EST | Tags : Spice Jar Treenware

Dutch Sampler Red with Birds and Heart Motifs

Festive red and white Dutch sampler under glass delights us with bird and heart motifs that grace the bottom of this delightful textile. Signed by the maker, “Luise Jiacone” and wrought when she was just 10 years old. This needlework sampler is not dated but was probably worked around the turn of the century. A series of a repeated Greek Key design elements along with a staggered double cross stitch design just below adds further detail at the border points. An arranged ensemble of single floral motifs flank the center-field of opposing birds sporting blue eyes. They appear to be holding a crown with double heart elements residing below. One of the red threads exhibits a bit of fraying referencing the Greek Key design. No loss to report. There are some areas that have experienced light toning sprinkled randomly throughout but not enough to spoil the overall appearance. Sampler measures 12 ½” across, measures almost 11 ¼” tall and is ¾” deep (thick).

Price: **~Sale $195.50~ Originally $225.50 ~Free Shipping~

2023-Dec-21 10:29am EST | Tags : Sampler Dutch Textile Hearts

Kerosene Bucket Delightful Chrome Yellow Paint

Mid to late 19th century kerosene bucket with bail handle showing squatty form in desirable chrome yellow paint. This would have been used to fill home lighting devices. Carved removable branch insert makes for a primitive look. Rivet construction to secure the metal bands shown on the back side. Dark mark where the wire handle came in contact with the wood on the right as shown along with two tight age cracks on the top (non removable lid). Age related paint loss to surface without any chips to report. Condition is very good. Overall height 11” tall (including the handle), bucket itself stands 7 ½” tall, measures 8 ¼” across the top and measures 10 ¼” across the bottom. More pictures just ask.

Price: ~Sale $175.50~ Was $195.50 ~Freight to be Determined~

2023-Oct-27 04:36pm EDT | Tags : Kerosene Bucket Yellow Paint

Pennsylvania Water Color Landscape Painting

This delightful painting was found in a circa “1755” Pennsylvania stone farmhouse located on 134 bucolic acres in Bucks County. I was able to acquire two of these paintings signed by the artist “Ross”. The artist captured a beautiful farm house lending Pennsylvania flavor flanked by trees with blue skies overhead. The style lends whispers of a naïve folk art composition interpreted by the artist using brush strokes of whimsy. This painting just explodes with happiness and delight as the birds are taking flight in the sky while the trees seem to be thriving because of the springtime weather. There is some paint loss located on the upper right hand corner with further (minimal) loss sprinkled in the middle of the large majestic tree. Age of the painting is unknown and frame may be a later addition. I tried to research this artist but hit a dead end. Apparently, there was an artist studio on this farm but the owner’s name does not coincide with the artist. The frame is in good condition without any chips or cracks to report. I hope this painting speaks to you! Overall height including the frame measures 12” tall, measures 17” across and is 1” deep. More pictures available!

Price: **~Sale $125.50~ Originally $149.50 ~Freight to be Determined~

2023-Mar-30 01:00pm EDT | Tags : Painting Pennsylvania Landscape

Spice Box Cabinet Eight Drawers Marked

Late 19th to early 20th century spice cabinet is one of the best examples I have come across boasting delicious patina and great form! The two later knob additions constitute a “make-do” situation that is a charming feature by lending further character to this interesting piece. There are traces of apple green paint limited to the left hand side while the rest of the piece exhibits a warm surface. A tight crack on the left side panel near the bottom travels up to the top location. A piece of wood was joined pertaining to the right side panel near the top to possibly remedy a break that also affected the inside drawer compartment. This is a heavy piece constructed using tiny round head nails. A couple of the wooden knobs show a single chip referring to the “Pepper” and “Cinnamon” drawers. Two of the drawers have replacement bottoms along with others experiencing a couple chips and cracks. Shows well and makes for a great display. Overall height is almost 17” tall including the back, front box area holding spices measures 9 ¼” across. Top (shelf) measures almost 10” across and is 4 ¾” deep. Bottom measures 11” across and measures 5 ¼” deep. More pictures available.

Price: **~Sale $195.50~ Originally $225.50 ~Freight to be Determined~

2023-Mar-26 01:00pm EDT | Tags : Spice Box Spiec Holder

Powder Horn Cabin and Heart Design

Beautiful stylized mid-19th century Powder Horn having an inscribed design showing a “cabin in the woods”. This bucolic scene boasting folk art trees wraps around the throat and appears at different levels. A brass hand cut heart delights us located on the top wooden cover and shows tiny nails used to secure it. The decorative tacks on the collar lend even more detail. A copper loop was attached to accommodate the cord hanger (that apparently was found on Southern outfits). This was probably a right hand carry piece fashioned from cow horn. Instead of having a carved feature referring to the design elements, it appears the maker decided to draw the scene instead. The base plug is missing. There are a couple of inconspicuous cracks located at the edge of the collar as well as a tiny piece of metal that protrudes the horn surface. A recessed band wrapped with some unknown fiber can be found near the bottom. Great piece of folk art that awaits a cozy mantle! It is of the smaller variety measuring 6 ¾” tall, measures 2 ¼” across the top, measures 2 ½” deep, measures 1 ½” across the middle section and the bottom opening measures ¼”. More Pictures available.

Price: **Sale $175.50** $225.50 ~Free Shipping~

2023-Mar-13 02:00pm EDT | Tags : Powder Horn Civil War folk art

Powder Horn Bird Design

Wonderful mid-19th century powder horn sporting a folk art bird seems to carry the design while a lone butterfly and meandering vines allow for further detail. This piece has a simple artist’s impression with hand carved design elements. A finial dots the center of the wooden cover where the leather cord is attached. The other end, near the bottom, consists of a recessed band to accommodate the opposite leather piece (strap). Plain tacks were used at the collar. There are two chips located on the edge of the collar but the rest of the piece was not affected. The base plug is missing. Condition is very good and this piece shows well. Great piece of folk art that awaits a cozy mantle! It is of the smaller variety measuring 8 ¼” from the top of the finial to the end of the opening, measures 1 ¼” across the top, measures 2 ¼” deep, measures 1 ¾” across the middle section and measures ¼” across the bottom opening. More pictures available!

Price: **Sale $175.50** $195.50 ~Free Shipping~

2023-Mar-13 02:00pm EDT | Tags : powder horn civil war folk art

Early Firkin in Green Paint

Beautiful firkin dating from 1840 to 1860 sporting lively squash green paint. Handle moves freely and the staves and bands are tight. One area of wood loss dedicated to the outer edge of the lid. Nail construction with reinforced staples to each individual finger end except on the lid. A couple bent over nails were used to secure the bottom band. Spray paint residue on the inside near the top opening. Nice medium size and displays very well! Stands 13 1/2" tall including the handle, measures 9 1/2" tall with handle displayed in a downward position, measures 9" across the top and 9 1/2" across the bottom. More pictures available just ask.

Price: Sale Price $175.50 Was $235.50 Freight to be determined after providing Zip Code.

2022-Oct-07 10:00am EDT | Tags : Firkin Early Paint Green Paint

Firkin Mincemeat Bucket in Mustard Paint

Wonderful early 1900's Mincemeat advertising bucket in mustard paint with contrasting apple green painted metal bands. Staved construction with staple fingers and nail reinforcements to bands. Gorgeous graphics 90% intact showing a bucolic scene of a Jersey cow in a field with the barn off in the distance. The manufacture "Atmore & Son, Inc., Philadelphia Pennsylvania" as well as the contents are clearly legible. The incised lid is marked 20 LBS with instructions "to keep in a cool place and stir often". Paint loss and rust on bands as well as dark areas in the wood sprinkled at random. Minor tiny chips to bottom edge along with a couple cracks on the top cover. Medium to large size stacking capability. Overall very good condition as this piece shows well and offers color as well as interest. Stands 10" tall, measures 9 3/4" across the top and measures 11" across the bottom. More pictures available!

Price: $175.50 ~Freight to be Determined~

2022-Sep-08 01:00pm EDT | Tags : Firkin Mincemeat Advertising

Bottle Doll

This sweet old bottle doll was found in Virginia and measures just about 15" tall and stands on a 3 1/2" bottle base which is covered in black fabric and has a plaid petticoat ruffle along the bottom. Her dress is a brown silk and she has a white pinafore/apron pinned to her front. The head and arms are made of a dark brown stocking type fabric. Arms move up and down slightly. She has a little pinched nose, button eyes, a stitched mouth, and what looks like yarn or thread hair. She is further embellished with little drop earrings. There is a 3 1/2" seam separation to the bottom of her dress as seen in our photo. What a charming girl she is and definitely an old one! Contact Judy. Thank You! Free Shipping

Price: 165.00 ~Sale Price $125.00

2021-Mar-04 10:00am EST | Tags : Bottle Doll

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